» Boston Bombing Trial: A Journey into the “Known Unknowns”‏: Mar. 4, 2015 Boston Bombing Trial: A Journey into the “Known Unknowns”‏: Mar. 4, 2015 – WhoWhatWhy


As Tsarnaev Trial Starts, a Journey into the “Known Unknowns” Begin By Russ Baker
The trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may turn out to be one of the strangest in history. The main story doesn’t make much sense, yet nearly all mainstream accounts suggest there is nothing more to be learned about the Boston Marathon bombing. Russ Baker ruminates on the “known unknowns” that await resolution.

Clinton’s Clever Calculation: Private Emailgate is the Lesser of Two Evils By Klaus Marre
Why did former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, one of the most scrutinized people in the world, choose to do something her many enemies would be sure to pounce on the moment it was revealed? Klaus Marre analyzes the latest Clintonian maneuver.

WhoWhatWhy Live from the Opening of the Boston Bombing Trial By The WhoWhatWhy Team
WhoWhatWhy Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker and reporter Andy Thibault are tweeting live from the opening of the trial of accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tune in for real-time updates and analysis from inside the John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse in Boston.


Israelis are More Concerned About the Economy than Iran
With elections quickly approaching, Bibi came to Washington to make the same old case against Iran. But back in Israel, his other target audience is far more concerned with the state of Israel’s economy. And that’s bad news for Bibi’s Likud Party as voters flee for centrist parties focused on bread-and-butter issues. Sure, Bibi’s bomb-throwing speech incited Congressional hawks, but back in Israel, it could end up as an electoral dud.

Awash in Cash, Bush Asks Donors Not to Give More than $1 Million – For Now
Stop right now. Just put away your checkbook and relax. The Next Bush In Line doesn’t want your money … at least, not all of it. That’s because he’s got plenty of money and plenty of donors willing to cough up giant hairballs of cash that are already clogging his campaign coffers. Insiders insist the request is because Jeb’s campaign “…is about much more than money.” Okay, you can stop laughing now.


The Plot to Free North Korea With Smuggled Episodes of ‘Friends’
How do you topple the world’s most insular regime? You smuggle in Jennifer Aniston, of course. Then you sit back and wait for the power of America’s Sweetheart to take effect. That’s what a group of North Korean defectors had in mind when they began their guerrilla campaign armed only with thumb drives featuring bootleg episodes of Friends and Judd Apatow comedies. According to their leader, the comedies are like a “red pill” a la The Matrix and, therefore, destined to slowly, but surely, break the nation’s totalitarian spell.

The Truth, According to Google
Right now a Google search spits out responses based on the number of times a website is linked, its traffic and how long visitors remain on it. But what if Google ditched those in favor of a website’s veracity? Its truthiness? Or its reputation? Google doesn’t have an app for that … yet. But they are working on an algorithm destined to consign a number of so-called “news” sites to the bottom of the list.


Regular Coffee Drinkers Have ‘Cleaner’ Arteries
Apples are great. One a day keeps the doctor away, right? But no one stumbles out of bed in the morning in a desperate search for a nice, crisp apple. Well, here’s good news for caffeine addicts … new research indicates that a few cups of coffee a day also keep the doctor away. At least, it helps to keep the cardiologist and those little balloons away from your arteries. It seems that coffee has a “Roto-Rooter” effect on the arteries supplying blood to the heart. So, drink up!

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