» A 9/11 Cover-Up, Iran’s Big Deal & Iraq’s Body Count‏: Apr. 2, 2015 A 9/11 Cover-Up, Iran’s Big Deal & Iraq’s Body Count‏: Apr. 2, 2015 – WhoWhatWhy


New FBI Tactic Hints at Big DC Cover-up of Saudi 9/11 Funding
by Russ Baker
The FBI is disowning an explosive internal report—which ties the 9/11 hijackers to some highly connected Saudis. Just what is going on here? Russ Baker looks at the Deep Politics in play as Cover-up Central goes into overdrive.


Iran Nuclear Talks: ‘Framework’ Deal Agreed
Negotiators reached a deal that cuts off Iran’s path to a nuclear weapon. When implemented, the deal includes a six-fold increase to Iran’s nuclear “breakout” time, curtails uranium enrichment well below weapons-grade levels, and dismantles and redesigns Iran’s notorious heavy water facility. Although the deal seems to exceed expectations, prepare for the predictable backlash by circling hawks.

Poll: Bush Now Tops GOP field; Clinton Runs Ahead of All Republicans
The 2016 election is a lot like sitting at a stoplight, looking in the rear-view mirror and watching a speeding car close in. You know what’s coming, but are powerless to stop the inevitable wreck. Well, a new Washington Post–ABC News poll confirms what everyone already knows: the next election is likely to be more like a media-waged war of European-style dynastic succession than a truly democratic process in a constitutional republic.

Here’s Why Obama Is Approving Arctic Drilling Again
Even as the President announced action on climate change, his administration approved a 2008 Arctic lease deal allowing Shell Oil to explore the heretofore pristine region for oil and gas. The reason for this approval might have less to do with his desire to “drill, baby, drill” than it does with geopolitical competition with Russia.


Body Count: Casualty Figures after 10 Years of the “War on Terror”
A new investigation by Physicians For Social Responsibility has concluded that the War on Terror directly or indirectly killed 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan; a grand total of 1.3 million. This “conservative estimate” contradicts media and government estimates, and does not include spillover wars in Yemen, around the Horn of Africa or in Syria. Nor does it include the estimated 50,000 Libyans killed as a result of Obama’s “NATO-led” toppling of Gaddafi.

Stanford Just Made Tuition Free for Families Earning Less Than $125,000 Per Year
Stanford University is expanding its financial aid by offering free tuition for students from families earning less than $125,000 per year. Additionally, the prestigious university will now offer free room and board to students from families earning less than $65,000. Of course, Stanford’s $21 billion endowment makes it one of the world’s richest universities… and so are its students. Their median household income is $125,000 per year.


Single Boomers Forming ‘Golden Girls’ Households
Baby Boomers grew up watching television sitcoms. Now they are growing old starring in ’em! One in three Boomers is single. Now they can sign up for the “Golden Girls Network” to find roommates to share the high costs of living and assuage the loneliness that typifies a generation with an exceedingly high divorce rate after the age of 50.

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