» WORTH READING: Newt Between the Covers, and Boehner’s Odd Spin on the Facts WORTH READING: Newt Between the Covers, and Boehner’s Odd Spin on the Facts – WhoWhatWhy


Newt Gingrich’s secret passion—reading and reviewing spy novels. And John Boehner struggles to make the numbers work—they’re just not the right numbers.

Newt Gingrich: Between the Covers

We’re learning new and intriguing things about quirky Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich every day. But did you know he’s also an avid reader of spy novels and has reviewed over 100 books on Amazon.com?  You may laugh, but it’s a sobering reminder that many militarily gung-ho politicians seem to have trouble separating fact from fiction. Read more about Gingrich’s book reviews (plus creepy GOP fixer) Jack Abramoff’s love of spy novels here and here.

GRAPHIC:  https://www.borders.com/ProductImages/products/00/59/12/b/59127090_b.jpg

Boehner’s Problem With Numbers

We can’t expect everyone to be an expert on economics, but the Speaker of the House ought at least  get the basics right. Yet when John Boehner spoke at the Economic Club of New York in front of Wall Street leaders, many of his assertions about private investment, the 2009 economic stimulus package, and the cost of Medicare ran counter to the facts, including some contained in his own in-house “source material”—Congressional Budget Office reports. Read more here.

GRAPHIC: https://www.alan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/mitch-mcconnell-john-boehner-2009-10-15-13-41-59-300×199.jpg

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