Technological change and creative destruction are everywhere. They have changed the way we work, the way we interact with each other, the foundation of education and now, the nature of warfare.
We’ve all seen the media images of drones supplying us with perfect images; the perfect eye in the sky for perfectly targeted air strikes. At least that’s how it’s looks on Homeland, and 24 and in the images from Abbottabad.
The reality, however, is somewhat different. Less-than-clear images; imperfect targeting that kills civilians; increasingly complex and overpriced equipment and–on the other hand–lower barriers to entry with respect to deploying certain drones which will soon make them available to nations, groups or individuals everywhere. Before long, surveillance–and even death from above–will be on a par with package delivery.
It’s a scary future, one that Washington keeps well hidden… and one that Andrew Cockburn, Washington editor for Harper’s, talks to me about in our latest RadioWHO podcast on WhoWhatWhy: