Republicans have an interesting choice to make: Support Donald Trump’s insane idea of putting US boots on the ground in Gaza or stay true to their stated ideals.
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While Donald Trump’s plan to use American troops to occupy the Gaza Strip and displace the Palestinians who were living there before the region was bombed to smithereens might seem at odds with his “America First” policy and the stated goal of keeping the US out of international conflicts, it is entirely consistent with his tendency to lie a lot and spout whatever comes to his mind at any given moment.
Things like this: “I do see a long-term ownership position [in the Gaza Strip], and I do see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East and maybe even the entire Middle East. Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing and creating thousands of jobs.”
Yes, undoubtedly, people in the world’s most volatile region will absolutely love seeing American troops stationed there after the US has just done such a stellar job in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Of course, he may not be wrong if, by “everybody,” he means Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is likely in favor of American soldiers replacing the Palestinians still alive after more than a year of attacks that Israel launched in response to the October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorist attack.
As for everybody else, they may not share Trump’s utopian vision of turning the Gaza Strip into some sort of resort for the wealthy.
Notably, the president’s “plan” did not include any details on which authority he would use to occupy Gaza or where the Palestinians who used to live there would go.
Instead, he suggested that “the world’s people” will live in this newly created wonderland.
All of this is obviously not thought out at all and would result in violence and total chaos… in addition to consuming taxpayer money in a foreign country, i.e., the kinds of things Republicans (including Trump) have been campaigning against.
This is what makes it so funny that members of the GOP now have to come out and explain how this nonsensical idea is not only bold and brilliant but also fits into their stated goals — because, obviously, nothing says “America First” like spending US blood and treasure on yet another Middle Eastern quagmire.
To be fair, some Republicans were a bit confused by Trump’s full-throated endorsement of a US occupation of the Gaza Strip. In a world in which a vindictive president punishes everybody who opposes him, even tacit statements of disapproval are noteworthy (and a testament to how insane this idea is).
“I think most South Carolinians would probably not be excited about sending Americans to take over Gaza,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), for example. “I think that might be problematic, but I’ll keep an open mind.”
Or how about Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who questioned whether “it’s the best use of United States resources to spend a bunch of money in Gaza, I think maybe I’d prefer that to be spent in the United States first,” but “let’s see what happens.”
Others were much more enthusiastic about this betrayal of issues they had campaigned on.
“President Trump is fighting for historic and lasting peace,” stated Coach Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), one of the president’s most fervent supporters in the Senate.
Over in the House, Republicans were no less enthusiastic.
“American strength, leadership, and vision are back in our foreign policy under President Trump,” tweeted Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN).
It will be interesting to see how these Republicans either walk back their own comments when Trump reverses course yet again, or how they try to sell their voters a plan that is contrary to everything they are supposed to stand for.
In his Navigating the Insanity columns, Klaus Marre provides the kind of hard-hitting, thought-provoking, and often humorous analysis you won’t find anywhere else.