Uber and Lyft's Rise May Be Fueling Climate Change - WhoWhatWhy Uber and Lyft's Rise May Be Fueling Climate Change - WhoWhatWhy

Some NYPD Officers Tip Each Other Off When Body Cameras Are On ; Chuck Schumer Loves Cheesecake ; and More Picks 2/28

Uber and Lyft’s Rise May Be Fueling Climate Change

Some NYPD Officers Tip Each Other Off When Body Cameras Are On ; Chuck Schumer Loves Cheesecake ; and More Picks

Some NYPD Officers Tip Each Other Off When Body Cameras Are On ; Chuck Schumer Loves Cheesecake ; and More Picks 2/28

FEMA: PG&E’s Poor Power Line Maintenance Means It Intentionally Caused Fires (Reader Steve) 

The author writes, “The federal government believes it is owed nearly $4 billion from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. because the company’s failure to prevent its power lines from starting some of California’s worst wildfires is akin to intentionally starting the disasters. An attorney representing the Federal Emergency Management Agency advanced that argument in court on Wednesday as U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Dennis Montali weighed the government’s claim. The lawyer, Michael Tye, was citing a federal law that FEMA is using as its basis to pursue payment from PG&E through its bankruptcy case.”

Some NYPD Officers Tip Each Other Off When Body Cameras Are On (Chris)

From ABC News: “The New York City’s Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) found in a report that while investigating allegations of misconduct by the city’s police department, that one of their biggest issues were cases where Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) are involved. During its investigation, CCRB claims that NYPD officers in videos it reviewed used phrases like ‘I went Hollywood,’ ‘Green,’ ‘We’re live,’ and ‘I’m hot’ to warn fellow officers that their BWCs were on and recording.”

Brexit Costing UK More Than All Its Payments to EU Over Past 47 Years Put Together (Chris)

The author writes, “Brexit is set to have cost the UK more than £200 billion in lost economic growth by the end of this year — a figure that almost eclipses the total amount the UK has paid toward the European Union budget over the past 47 years. According to research by Bloomberg Economics, the cost of the UK’s vote to leave has already reached £130 billion, with a further £70 billion likely to be added by the end of 2020.”

Scots Ministers Told to Seek ‘Unexplained Wealth Order’ for Donald Trump Resorts (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “The Scottish Government has been urged to apply for an unexplained wealth order to investigate Donald Trump’s deals to acquire his Scottish properties. Patrick Harvie MSP, co-leader of the Scottish Greens, said there were reasonable grounds for suspecting that the US president, or people he is connected with, ‘have been involved in serious crime.’”

Senator Chuck Schumer Admits to Spending Over $8,600 on Cheesecake in Under 10 Years (Mili)

From People: “‘It’s my guilty pleasure,’ the politician said at a press conference over the weekend of the decadent dessert.”


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