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GOP Blocks Election Security Bills ; Why the Little Ice Age Doesn't Matter ; and More Picks 7/25

The Rise of the Digital Neighborhood Watch

GOP Blocks Election Security Bills ; Why the Little Ice Age Doesn't Matter ; and More Picks

GOP Blocks Election Security Bills ; Why the Little Ice Age Doesn't Matter ; and More Picks 7/25

GOP Blocks Election Security Bills After Mueller Testimony (Chris)

The author writes, “Democrats tried to get consent to pass two bills that would require campaigns to alert the FBI and Federal Election Commission about foreign offers of assistance, as well as a bill to let the Senate Sergeant at Arms offer voluntary cyber assistance for personal devices and accounts of senators and staff. But Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) blocked each of the bills. She didn’t give reason for her objections, or say if she was objecting on behalf of herself or the Senate GOP caucus.”

Needed in Jails in a Heat Emergency: Air Conditioning and Oversight (Chris)

From the Appeal: “The Legal Aid Society … raised the alarm about conditions at Rikers, highlighting the specific risks to people in the Enhanced Supervision Housing Units, ‘typically locked into un-air-conditioned cells for a minimum of 14 hours, and up to 23 hours.’”

Now It’s a Three-Way Fight for PG&E (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “A group of insurance companies that say they’re owed a combined $20 billion by Pacific Gas & Electric filed a proposal in U.S. Bankruptcy Court, calling it ‘the only path forward’ to reorganize the utility. The insurers’ proposal comes on the eve of a hearing Wednesday in bankruptcy court at which another group, PG&E’s bondholders, will fight for the right to formally submit their takeover plan to wildfire victims and other creditors.”

US Beaches Are So Full of Sewage Pollution, They’re Often Unsafe for Swimming (Mili)

The author writes, “A new report out Tuesday has found that more than half of the beaches in coastal states, the Great Lakes states, and Puerto Rico saw at least one day in 2018 where their water wasn’t safe for swimming. Why? Bacteria levels were higher than what the Environmental Protection Agency deems acceptable.”

Why the Little Ice Age Doesn’t Matter (Judy)

The author writes, “While parts of the world have warmed or cooled in the past, modern climate change is happening just about everywhere at the same time.”

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