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Nebraska Flooding Visible From Space ; World's Oldest Semen Still Viable ; and More Picks 3/19

The Real Tech Regulators

Nebraska Flooding Visible From Space ; World's Oldest Semen Still Viable ; and More Picks

Nebraska Flooding Visible From Space ; World's Oldest Semen Still Viable ; and More Picks 3/19

Federal Authorities Raided Trump Fundraiser’s Office in Money Laundering Probe (Reader Steve)

From ProPublica: “A sealed search warrant … shows federal agents scoured Elliott Broidy’s office for documents related to China, Saudi Arabia and a Miami Beach club promoter.”

Record-Breaking Flooding in Nebraska Is Visible From Space (Chris)

The author writes, “Spring flooding happens nearly every year in the upper Midwest, but current flooding has far surpassed previous all-time records on Nebraska’s major waterways. Climate change means springtime temperatures are arriving earlier with more intense early-season rains, worsening the risk of damaging floods. In one location, the Missouri River broke its previous record by nearly four feet.”

Census Citizenship Question Would Cost Some States Congressional Seats (Gerry)

The author writes, “A study I published Feb. 25 … found that adding the citizenship question [to the 2020 census] will likely cause many million people to not respond to the census. That will reduce the official population of some states, leading to political and economic harm.”

Facebook Sees Rise in Engagement and Anger Emojis (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “The content that dominates the platform now might have risen even without [last year’s] algorithmic boost. But what’s clear is that Mark Zuckerberg’s January 2018 exhortation that users’ activity on Facebook be ‘time well spent’ has not come to pass: Instead, it’s often an angry, reactive place where people go to get worked up and to get scared.”

World’s Oldest Semen Still Viable (Mili)

From Science Daily: “Semen stored since 1968 in a laboratory in Sydney has been defrosted and successfully used to impregnate 34 Merino ewes, with the resulting live birth rate as high [as] sperm frozen for just 12 months.”

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