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FB Brings On Koch-Funded Fact Checkers ; WA Could Begin Composting Humans ; and More Picks 4/30

The New Gig: America’s Hidden Economy

FB Brings On Koch-Funded Fact Checkers ; WA Could Begin Composting Humans ; and More Picks

FB Brings On Koch-Funded Fact Checkers ; WA Could Begin Composting Humans ; and More Picks 4/30

Bolton Confirms US Signed Document to Pay North Korea for Otto Warmbier (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “National security adviser John Bolton confirmed on Fox News Sunday that a Trump administration official signed a document pledging to pay North Korea a $2 million hospital bill to release Otto Warmbier, though he said no money was ultimately transferred.”

The Koch Brothers Are Funding Facebook’s Newest Fact-Checking Partner (Chris)

From Grist: “The Check Your Fact site says it is ‘non-partisan’ and ‘loyal to neither people nor parties,’ describing itself as an ‘editorially independent’ subsidiary from the Daily Caller, though it receives funding from both the Daily Caller and the Daily Caller News Foundation. The Daily Caller was founded by Fox News political analyst Tucker Carlson, who is known for hosting climate deniers on his show.”

Destruction of Nature Threatens Humanity ‘At Least as Much’ as Climate Change, Warns UN (Chris)

The author writes, “‘Up to now, we have talked about the importance of biodiversity mostly from an environmental perspective,’ [said UN biodiversity chief Robert] Watson … ‘Now we are saying that nature is crucial for food production, for pure water, for medicines and even social cohesion.’”

Some Good News for Far-Future Sea Level Rise (Mili)

From Ars Technica: “New model finds processes that could help slow loss at some glaciers.”

Washington Passes Bill to Become First State to Compost Human Bodies (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “It may soon be legal for the dead to push daisies, or any other flower, in backyard gardens across Washington state. The state legislature recently passed a bill that, if signed by the governor, allows human bodies to be composted — and used for mulch.”

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