Remington Can Be Sued Over Marketing of Rifle Used in Sandy Hook Massacre - WhoWhatWhy Remington Can Be Sued Over Marketing of Rifle Used in Sandy Hook Massacre - WhoWhatWhy

Police Often Refuse to Share Video Footage ; Capitalist Freedom Is a Farce ; and More Picks 3/15

Remington Can Be Sued Over Marketing of Rifle Used in Sandy Hook Massacre

Police Often Refuse to Share Video Footage ; Capitalist Freedom Is a Farce ; and More Picks

Police Often Refuse to Share Video Footage ; Capitalist Freedom Is a Farce ; and More Picks 3/15

Police Often Refuse to Share Bodycam and Dashboard Footage (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Body cameras, in particular, have been touted as a way to increase police transparency by allowing for a neutral view of whether an officer’s actions were justified. In reality, the videos can be withheld for months, years or even indefinitely, [an] AP review found.”

Rep. Lacy Clay to Wilbur Ross: ‘You Have Zero Credibility’ (Reader Steve)

House Democrats who questioned US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross on Thursday about a proposed census citizenship question have accused Ross of secretly carrying out an anti-immigrant agenda on behalf of Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions. Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO) encouraged Ross to resign.

Could This Be the End of the Electoral College? (Chris)

From Truthdig: “There’s new momentum around the National Popular Vote movement, where states will award Electoral College votes to elect the president based on which candidate has won the most votes nationwide — instead of today’s state-by-state winner-take-all system.”

Capitalist Freedom Is a Farce (Chris)

The author writes, “capitalism limits both positive and negative freedom. It fosters a huge buildup of private power by concentrating individual wealth and entrenching corporate control over markets (along with mercilessly destroying environmental systems and thus the freedom of future generations). Capitalism not only fails to provide a ‘positive freedom’ to a fair share of the economy — it fails to preserve ‘negative freedom’ from the power plays of the 1 percent’s corporate property.”

Can Nanomaterials Aid the Fight Against Climate Change? (Mili)

From Wired: “When Brian Schultz and Sean Depner emerged from their doctorate studies in chemistry at the University at Buffalo in 2013, they stepped into a cleantech economy that was just sprouting. Superstorm Sandy had recently ravaged New York’s coastal communities, and state officials were searching for ways to fight climate change and spark economic growth by weaning the state from fossil fuels. Schultz and Depner had something to contribute: an innovative process for making extremely useful nanomaterials with minimal environmental waste and energy.”

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