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Revolt of the Gig Workers ; Buzzfeed Journalists Unionize ; A History of CIA Fake News ; and More Picks 2/13

Private Mossad For Hire

Revolt of the Gig Workers ; Buzzfeed Journalists Unionize ; A History of CIA Fake News ; and More Picks

Revolt of the Gig Workers ; Buzzfeed Journalists Unionize ; A History of CIA Fake News ; and More Picks 2/13

The Real ‘Land of Unrealities’ (Russ)

From Truthdig: “[Such CIA] covert actions as the 1953 coup, the 1954 coup, the Bay of Pigs, the Indonesian coups, the Vietnam War and countless others tended to start and close with propaganda that was effectively fake news.”

How Hackers and Scammers Break Into iCloud-Locked iPhones (Russ)

The author writes, “Enterprising criminals have found ways to remove iCloud [from iPhones] in order to resell devices. To do this, they phish the phone’s original owners, or scam employees at Apple Stores, [who] have the ability to override iCloud locks.”

Tech Wealthy Have a Responsibility to the State That Made Them (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “If tech innovators really don’t need California for their success, they should go to a low-tax place like Reno to build their business from the beginning.”

Revolt of the Gig Workers: How Delivery Rage Reached a Tipping Point (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “There’s poetic justice in the fact that the same internet that allows gig companies to create widely dispersed marketplaces provided gig workers space to find solidarity with one another.”

Craft Beer Unionizing Picks Up Steam (Chris)

From Salon: “As Anchor Steam workers sign union cards, the craft brewing industry is poised for a labor movement.”

Buzzfeed Journalists Vote to Unionize in the Wake of Layoffs (Chris)

The author writes, “Buzzfeed Inc.’s US journalists agreed to unionize, saying they would seek better benefits and fair pay after seeing some colleagues lose their jobs last month.”

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