NYC Says 1.1M Students Can Skip School for Climate Strike Protest - WhoWhatWhy NYC Says 1.1M Students Can Skip School for Climate Strike Protest - WhoWhatWhy

Immigration Policy Could Handicap US in the AI Talent Race ; What If NYC Has Too Many Cops? ; and More Picks 9/19

NYC Says 1.1M Students Can Skip School for Climate Strike Protest

Immigration Policy Could Handicap US in the AI Talent Race ; What If NYC Has Too Many Cops? ; and More Picks

Immigration Policy Could Handicap US in the AI Talent Race ; What If NYC Has Too Many Cops? ; and More Picks 9/19

Before Flint’s Water Crisis, One Man Warned That ‘People Are Gonna Die’ (Mili)

The author writes, “After the state of Michigan switched Flint’s water supply in April 2014, thousands of children were poisoned by lead and at least a dozen adults died from one of the largest outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in U.S. history. It was exactly the sort of outcome that Matt McFarland, the operations supervisor at the water treatment plant, had tried to sound the alarm about, a new FRONTLINE documentary exclusively reveals.”

Immigration Policy Could Handicap the US in the AI Talent Race (Mili)

From Axios: “The U.S. has long been the clear leader in AI research, but in recent years China and Europe have made vast strides toward overtaking it. Falling behind could have major economic and military repercussions.”

Californians Are Buying Up Electric Cars. But Where Will They Plug In? (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “As a renter, Bruce Wolfe knows the struggles many people face driving an electric car when they lack access to a charging outlet at home. He parks on the street outside his Haight-Ashbury flat in San Francisco, which doesn’t have a garage. There aren’t any public charging stations in the neighborhood…”

What If NYC Has Too Many Cops? (Chris)

From the New York Daily News: “Do we need to pay cops to arrest fare-beaters and those who pee in public … or are we smart enough as a city to subsidize public transportation and build more public restrooms?”

WeWork CEO Reportedly Wants to Be ‘President of the World’ (Chris)

The author writes, “A new profile of the freewheeling CEO of WeWork reads like a loosely adapted episode of Silicon Valley.”

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