Meet the 19-Year-Old Gun Control Lobbyist Who Has Lawmakers’ Ears - WhoWhatWhy Meet the 19-Year-Old Gun Control Lobbyist Who Has Lawmakers’ Ears - WhoWhatWhy

New Election Systems Use Vulnerable Software ; The Snakes That Ate Florida ; and More Picks 7/15

Meet the 19-Year-Old Gun Control Lobbyist Who Has Lawmakers’ Ears

New Election Systems Use Vulnerable Software ; The Snakes That Ate Florida ; and More Picks

New Election Systems Use Vulnerable Software ; The Snakes That Ate Florida ; and More Picks 7/15

New Election Systems Use Vulnerable Software (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “The vast majority of 10,000 election jurisdictions nationwide use Windows 7 or an older operating system to create ballots, program voting machines, tally votes and report counts. That’s significant because Windows 7 reaches its ‘end of life’ on Jan. 14, meaning Microsoft stops providing technical support and producing ‘patches’ to fix software vulnerabilities, which hackers can exploit.” 

American Journalist Becomes Focus of Brazil Press Freedom Debate (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Several weeks after publishing explosive reports about a key member of Brazil’s far-right government, U.S. journalist Glenn Greenwald was called before a congressional committee to face hostile questions.”

Presidential Candidates Can’t Discuss Gun Deaths Without Discussing Cops (Chris)

From Truthout: “Incorporating police killing into larger gun violence discussions complicates matters — police are supposed to enforce gun laws but are committing gun violence on a shocking level themselves.”

The World’s 2-Billion-Ton Trash Problem Just Got More Alarming (Mili)

The author writes, “One by one, developing countries are refusing to import trash. Here are the ways the world is trying to deal with its waste.”

The Snakes That Ate Florida (Mili)

The author writes, “In the campsites of Everglades National Park, raccoons don’t rattle the trash can lids at four in the morning. Marsh rabbits don’t scatter with a nervous rustle on the hiking trails as you walk by. Tires don’t shriek when somebody brakes to avoid an opossum transfixed by headlights in the middle of the road. In fact, roadkill, which used to be common in this wildest part of Florida, is no longer seen. The raccoons and marsh rabbits and opossums and other small, warmblooded animals are gone, or almost gone, because Burmese pythons seem to have eaten them.”

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