Loss of Bumblebees Driven by 'Climate Chaos,' Scientists Say - WhoWhatWhy Loss of Bumblebees Driven by 'Climate Chaos,' Scientists Say - WhoWhatWhy

ICE Agent Shoots NYC Man in the Face ; Who Really Killed Malcolm X? ; and More Picks 2/7

Loss of Bumblebees Driven by ‘Climate Chaos,’ Scientists Say

ICE Agent Shoots NYC Man in the Face ; Who Really Killed Malcolm X? ; and More Picks

ICE Agent Shoots NYC Man in the Face ; Who Really Killed Malcolm X? ; and More Picks 2/7

ICE Agent Shoots NYC Man in the Face (Chris)

The authors write, “A routine federal bust of a previously-deported Mexican immigrant went violently off the rails Thursday, with the wanted man tasered in the street and his girlfriend’s unarmed son shot point-blank in the face during a ferocious Brooklyn street fracas.” 

Homelessness in Ireland Is at Crisis Point (Chris)

From the New Statesman: “The Irish housing crisis has been a commonly discussed national topic for years, but lately the conversation has taken on new urgency: perhaps because, in January, a number of incidents too grim to ignore took place in quick succession in the capital.”

Who Really Killed Malcolm X? (DonkeyHotey) 

The author writes, “For more than half a century, scholars have maintained that prosecutors convicted the wrong men in the assassination of Malcolm X. Now, 55 years after that bloody afternoon in February 1965, the Manhattan district attorney’s office is reviewing whether to reinvestigate the murder. Some new evidence comes from a six-part documentary called Who Killed Malcolm X?, streaming on Netflix Feb. 7, which posits that two of the men convicted could not have been at the scene that day.”

Treasury Department Sent Info on Hunter Biden to Expanding GOP Senate Inquiry (Reader Pat)

The author writes, “The Treasury Department has complied with Republican senators’ requests for highly sensitive and closely held financial records about Hunter Biden and his associates and has turned over ‘“evidence” of questionable origin’ to them, according to a leading Democrat on one of the committees conducting the investigation.” 

Lab Turns Trash Into Valuable Graphene in a Flash (Mili)

From Science Daily: “Scientists are using high-energy pulses of electricity to turn any source of carbon into turbostratic graphene in an instant. The process promises environmental benefits by turning waste into valuable graphene that can then strengthen concrete and other composite materials.”

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