How Federal Tax Incentives Could Yield Big Carbon Emissions Cuts - WhoWhatWhy How Federal Tax Incentives Could Yield Big Carbon Emissions Cuts - WhoWhatWhy

Alex Jones Sues the Young Turks ; Police Are a Problem, Not a Solution ; and More Picks 9/27

How Federal Tax Incentives Could Yield Big Carbon Emissions Cuts

Alex Jones Sues the Young Turks ; Police Are a Problem, Not a Solution ; and More Picks

Alex Jones Sues the Young Turks ; Police Are a Problem, Not a Solution ; and More Picks 9/27

Immigration Officials Have Used Google Translate to Vet Refugees (Reader Steve)

From ProPublica: “Many experts — even Google itself — caution against relying on the popular Google Translate for complex tasks. Google advises users that its machine translation service is not ‘intended to replace human translators.’”

Amazon Rolls Out New Device Amid Swirl of Privacy Questions (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “It’s unclear how deeply users understand the relationship they enter into with Amazon, and with other tech companies, when they purchase and use their devices and services.”

Alex Jones Sues the Young Turks: They ‘Told the World’ I Sent Child Porn to Sandy Hook Parents (Russ)

The author writes, “Lawyers representing families of Sandy Hook mass shooting victims in a defamation suit accused Jones of sending electronic files containing child pornography as part of the discovery process; the plaintiffs sued Jones for his ‘years-long campaign of abusive and outrageous false statements in which Jones and the other defendants have developed, amplified and perpetuated claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged and that the 26 families who lost loved ones that day are paid actors who faked their relative’s deaths.’ Jones’s lawyer in the latest defamation suit … addressed the child porn controversy, saying the FBI ‘cleared JONES and his employer,’ and identified Jones as the ‘target victim.’”

The Police Can’t Solve the Problem. They Are the Problem. (Chris)

The author writes, “The police do not help vulnerable populations — they make populations vulnerable. Excessive force is the No. 1 investigated complaint against police officers, and sexual violence is the second. People with mental illness are 16 times more likely to be killed by the police. People of color, people with disabilities, immigrants, queer and trans people, those with mental illness and the homeless disproportionately experience violence from officers, who kill an average of nearly 1,000 people annually, and sexually assault, physically assault, harass, and surveil hundreds of thousands more.”

Why Everyone Is Going Crazy for This Game About an Annoying, Horrible Goose (Chris)

From Thrillist: “Your mission to annoy as many people as possible, more or less, as a no-good, dreadful goose that can’t die has charmed its early players and the greater online ecosystem.” 

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