How Davos Became a Climate Change Conference - WhoWhatWhy How Davos Became a Climate Change Conference - WhoWhatWhy

How SCOTUS Has Contributed to Growing Inequality ; Senators Urge Trump to Not Cut Disability Benefits ; and More Picks 1/29

How Davos Became a Climate Change Conference

How SCOTUS Has Contributed to Growing Inequality ; Senators Urge Trump to Not Cut Disability Benefits ; and More Picks

How SCOTUS Has Contributed to Growing Inequality ; Senators Urge Trump to Not Cut Disability Benefits ; and More Picks 1/29

57 Climate Scientists Rebuke Biden’s Claim That Green New Deal Isn’t Supported by Scientists (Mili)

From Earther: “[According to] Peter Kalmus, a climate researcher and data scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, ‘Climate scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades and we’ve been completely ignored, thanks to lies and lobbying from the fossil fuel industry and flagrant denial from those in high office … Bernie Sanders hears us. He understands that this is truly a planetary emergency and that there’s no time left for incremental measures. Bernie is the climate candidate. His movement and the climate movement are nearly one and the same.’”

41 Senators Urge Trump Admin to End ‘Cruel and Dangerous’ Effort to Cut Disability Benefits (Chris)

The author writes, “[The] senators came together Tuesday in a letter opposing a Trump administration proposal that could cut off hundreds of thousands of people from an estimated $2.6 billion in Social Security disability benefits over a decade. … ‘At a time when leadership from SSA is sorely needed to further reduce unacceptably long disability application wait times and eliminate the disability backlog,’ declared the letter, ‘it is alarming that the agency appears more concerned with devoting limited resources toward making it harder for people with disabilities to receive essential benefits.’”

How the Supreme Court Contributed to Growing Inequality (Chris)

From the American Prospect: “The conservative majority that took shape after [Earl] Warren retired set in motion a stratification of rights, giving the wealthy more control over governance while locking everybody else out of the political process. [Brett] Kavanaugh may usher in a new, even more radical phase of that slow-burning revolution.”

Eddie Gallagher Strikes Back At Navy SEALs Who Testified Against Him (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “A retired Navy SEAL whose war crimes trial made international news has launched a video attack on former SEAL teammates who accused him of murder, shooting civilians and who testified against him at his San Diego court-martial in June. In a three-minute video posted to his Facebook page and Instagram account Monday, retired Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher, 40, referred to some of his former sailors as ‘cowards’ and highlighted names, photos and, for those still on active duty, their duty status and current units.”

Sniffer Dog Finds Wedding Ring Thrown Out in Rage (Mili) 

The author writes, “A police dog tracked down a wedding ring thrown out by a man after a row with his wife. German shepherd Odin, six, found the lost band ‘in seconds.’” 

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