Gun Control and Gun Rights Rallies Held at Virginia Capitol - WhoWhatWhy Gun Control and Gun Rights Rallies Held at Virginia Capitol - WhoWhatWhy

Operation Condor Conspirators Sentenced ; MBS Is Making Muslims Boycott Mecca ; and More Picks 7/10

Gun Control and Gun Rights Rallies Held at Virginia Capitol

Operation Condor Conspirators Sentenced ; MBS Is Making Muslims Boycott Mecca ; and More Picks

Operation Condor Conspirators Sentenced ; MBS Is Making Muslims Boycott Mecca ; and More Picks 7/10

24 South American Officials Sentenced for Murder Pact (Jeff C.)

A court in Italy sentenced 24 people, many of them high-ranking officials, to life in prison for their roles in Operation Condor, in which six South American countries conspired to kill tens of thousands of political opponents in the 1970s and ’80s. All but one of them were sentenced in absentia.

Stressing War’s Toll, Taliban and Afghan Representatives Agree to Peace Road Map (Reader Pat)

The author writes, “Taliban and Afghan representatives, including some government officials, agreed on Tuesday to a basic road map for negotiating the country’s political future, a major step that could help propel peace efforts to end the long war, now in its 18th year. In a joint declaration after two days of unprecedented and often emotional discussions in the Qatari capital, Doha, the two sides emphasized a need to work for reducing ‘civilian casualties to zero’ and assuring women their fundamental rights in ‘political, social, economic, educational, cultural affairs.’”

MBS Is Making Muslims Boycott Mecca (Mili)

From Foreign Policy: “The Saudi crown prince’s regional aggression and disdain for human rights have prompted religious scholars and pious pilgrims to refuse to go on the hajj.”

Immigrant Detainees End Hunger Strike After Being Moved to Yuba County Jail ‘Dungeon’ (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “After seven days, all 15 detainees participating in a hunger strike for better conditions in Yuba County jail accepted meals and ended the strike, said Paul Prince, a spokesperson for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which contracts to use more than half of the jail’s beds.”

What the Tragedy ‘Antigone’ Can Teach Us About the Dangers of Extremism (Renee)

The author writes, “When a leader urges citizens to identify his enemies as enemies of the state, what those citizens may end up having most in common with each other is anger, fear and mutual contempt.”

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