Georgia Must Scrap Old Voting Machines After 2019: Judge - WhoWhatWhy Georgia Must Scrap Old Voting Machines After 2019: Judge - WhoWhatWhy

Trump-Inspired Hate Hits Santa Fe Plaza ; The Em Dash Wars ; and More Picks 8/16

Georgia Must Scrap Old Voting Machines After 2019: Judge

Trump-Inspired Hate Hits Santa Fe Plaza ; The Em Dash Wars ; and More Picks

Trump-Inspired Hate Hits Santa Fe Plaza ; The Em Dash Wars ; and More Picks 8/16

Just Two Degrees of Warming Could Bring Ice-Free Septembers to the Arctic (Mili)

The author writes, “Arctic sea ice could disappear completely through September each summer if average global temperatures increase by as little as 2 degrees, according to a new study by the University of Cincinnati.”

California Supreme Court Strengthens Digital Privacy Rights for Probationers (Reader Steve)

From the Mercury News: “The California Supreme Court strengthened the digital privacy rights of people on probation Thursday, as it struck down a Bay Area court’s move to subject a juvenile offender to warrantless searches of his cell phone and social media accounts, even though his crime had nothing to do with his use of an electronic device. It is the second ruling this week by California’s high court limiting when law enforcement can search for evidence without a warrant.”

Trump-Inspired Hate Hits Santa Fe Plaza (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “Wearing a Trump shirt and cap and toting a gun prominently displayed on his hip, [a] man has gotten on everyone’s nerves down at the Santa Fe Plaza, where he has showed up repeatedly over recent weeks to intimidate peaceful protestors, musicians and vendors. ‘Mess with me and I’ll shoot you,’ the man allegedly told Garcia when his inflammatory comments provoked a verbal confrontation that was caught on video by multiple bystanders.”

Kashmir: The Case for Freedom (Chris)

The author writes, “[The Kashmiri insurgency has] a broader mass base than the Green Movement does in Iran, or indeed than the uprisings in the Arab world have enjoyed. But no colour-coded revolution is heralded in Kashmir by Western commentators. BBC and CNN don’t endlessly loop clips of little children being shot in the head by Indian soldiers. Bloggers and tweeters in the West fail to keep virtual vigils by the side of the dead and the wounded. The United Nations does not hold emergency sessions to discuss its response to the killing of scores of unarmed protestors.”

The Em Dash Divides (Chris)

From the New York Times: “Why do people care so much about a piece of — no offense — punctuation?”

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