Federal Appeals Panel Upholds CA 'Sanctuary State' Law - WhoWhatWhy Federal Appeals Panel Upholds CA 'Sanctuary State' Law - WhoWhatWhy

Code-Named Military Ops Revealed in Africa ; A Brief History of Solar Panels ; and More Picks 4/23

Federal Appeals Panel Upholds CA ‘Sanctuary State’ Law

Code-Named Military Ops Revealed in Africa ; A Brief History of Solar Panels ; and More Picks

Code-Named Military Ops Revealed in Africa ; A Brief History of Solar Panels ; and More Picks 4/23

Revealed: The US Military’s 36 Code-Named Operations in Africa (Chris)

The author writes, “The … operations cover a variety of different military missions, ranging from psychological operations to counterterrorism. Eight of the named activities, including Obsidian Nomad, are so-called 127e programs, named for the budgetary authority that allows U.S. special operations forces to use certain host-nation military units as surrogates in counterterrorism missions.”

Dow Chemical Donates $1M to Trump, Asks Administration to Ignore Pesticide Study (Chris)

From Vanity Fair: “Dow Chemical C.E.O. Andrew Liveris is good buddies with President Donald Trump. So, you can see how the company, which the AP reports also spent $13.6 million on lobbying last year, might feel like it is in the clear.”

Oregon Lawmakers Consider Bills to Limit Public Records Access (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The Oregon Legislature is considering 46 bills that would limit access to public records, including documents related to state investigations, trade secrets, personal medical information, election security, crime victims’ identities and more.”

Supreme Court Census Case Could Decide the 2024 Election (Russ)

The author writes, “If the Trump administration succeeds in adding the question ‘Are you a U.S. Citizen?’ to the 2020 census, the Census Bureau estimates that 6.5 million people won’t respond to the census at all.”

A Brief History of Solar Panels (Mili)

From Smithsonian: “Inventors have been advancing solar technology for more than a century and a half, and improvements in efficiency and aesthetics keep on coming.”

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