El Niño Weather Events Are About to Become More Extreme Thanks to Climate Change: Study - WhoWhatWhy El Niño Weather Events Are About to Become More Extreme Thanks to Climate Change: Study - WhoWhatWhy

Is Your Drinking Water Safe? ; The 'Medicare for All' Cost Debate Is Extremely Dishonest ; and More Picks 10/23

El Niño Weather Events Are About to Become More Extreme Thanks to Climate Change: Study

Is Your Drinking Water Safe? ; The 'Medicare for All' Cost Debate Is Extremely Dishonest ; and More Picks

Is Your Drinking Water Safe? ; The 'Medicare for All' Cost Debate Is Extremely Dishonest ; and More Picks 10/23

Major Donor Who Played Both Sides of the Aisle Charged With Campaign Violations and Fraud (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Imaad Zuberi, 49, is expected to plead guilty to charges of violating registration laws for foreign agents, tax evasion and making illegal campaign contributions as part of a deal he struck with prosecutors in Los Angeles, according to court filings made public Tuesday. He faces as much as 15 years in prison, prosecutors said in a statement.”

Is Your Drinking Water Safe? This Tool Gives You the Answer in Seconds (Mili)

From Bustle:On Oct. 23, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released an updated national drinking water database that lets you to plug in your zip code and find out what contaminants exist, if any, in your local drinking water. The organization … compiled the database by collecting annual data from approximately 50,000 local utilities across every state. As the organization notes, the EPA has not added any contaminants to its list of regulated pollutants under the Safe Drinking Water Act since 1996. What’s more, many of the ‘safe levels’ of these contaminants, as determined by the EPA, aren’t actually considered safe by the EWG.”

How Chaos Will Unfold If Trump Opens the Tongass to Logging (Mili)

The author writes, “Tongass National Forest is a massive yet fragile treasure — logging and slicing roads into it will set off horrifying effects that will ripple through the ecosystem.”

The ‘Medicare for All’ Cost Debate Is Extremely Dishonest (DonkeyHotey)

From the American Prospect: “Biden and Buttigieg get to avoid the cost debate, though their own proposals, if successful, will almost surely cost as much as Sanders’s.”

Extremely Dexterous Robot Can Solve a Rubik’s Cube One-Handed (Chris)

The author writes, “[A] team taught an AI to control a commercially available robotic hand developed by the Shadow Robot Company. … The team hopes the AI could eventually control the hand to do general purpose tasks, such as painting or making origami.”

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