Climate Planners Turn to Virtual Reality and Hope Seeing Is Believing - WhoWhatWhy Climate Planners Turn to Virtual Reality and Hope Seeing Is Believing - WhoWhatWhy

Public Housing Authorities Ignore Threat of Radon ; What If All the World's Supervolcanoes Erupted at Once? ; and More Picks 11/25

Climate Planners Turn to Virtual Reality and Hope Seeing Is Believing

Public Housing Authorities Ignore Threat of Radon ; What If All the World's Supervolcanoes Erupted at Once? ; and More Picks

Public Housing Authorities Ignore Threat of Radon ; What If All the World's Supervolcanoes Erupted at Once? ; and More Picks 11/25

Elevated Levels of Radioactive Gas in Homes Put Poor, Elderly at Risk (Chris)

From the Oregonian: “The government urges private homeowners to test for cancer-causing radon gas. For low-income tenants of public housing, the government ignores its own advice.”

Koalas Aren’t Functionally Extinct, but They Need Our Help (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “Reports abound that recent bushfires have pushed the cuddly marsupial to the brink. The species has actually been under threat for much longer.”

Coal Knew, Too (Russ)

The author writes, “A newly unearthed journal from 1966 shows the coal industry, like the oil industry, was long aware of the threat of climate change.”

Three Men to Be Exonerated After 36 Years Behind Bars for Wrongful Murder Conviction (Russ)

The author writes, “After receiving a handwritten plea from one of the men, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s office took only six months to determine that city police and prosecutors covered up evidence pointing to another gunman.”

What If All the World’s Supervolcanoes Erupted at Once? (Chris)

From Business Insider: “If every supervolcano went off, you’d have a hard time finding a safe place to flee to, because almost every continent is home to at least one supervolcano. For example, there’s Yellowstone in the US, Ngorongoro in Tanzania, and Toba in Indonesia. So, basically, no matter where you are, you’re out of luck. But at least you’ll have a warning, because weeks or months beforehand, the ground will tremble with earthquakes.” 

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