Climate Change: A ‘Clear and Unequivocal’ Emergency - WhoWhatWhy Climate Change: A ‘Clear and Unequivocal’ Emergency - WhoWhatWhy

Judge Says Police Can Search Company's Entire DNA Database ; Microsoft Japan Tries 4-Day Workweek ; and More Picks 11/6

Climate Change: A ‘Clear and Unequivocal’ Emergency

Judge Says Police Can Search Company's Entire DNA Database ; Microsoft Japan Tries 4-Day Workweek ; and More Picks

Judge Says Police Can Search Company's Entire DNA Database ; Microsoft Japan Tries 4-Day Workweek ; and More Picks 11/6

Judge Says Police Can Search Company’s Entire DNA Database (DonkeyHotey)

From the Huffington Post: “Your at-home DNA test results could be used to solve cold cases.”

A Jail Increased Extreme Isolation to Stop Suicides. More People Killed Themselves. (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “During the past four years, Kern County had the highest suicide rate of the [California’s] 10 largest jail systems, with 5.61 deaths per 100,000 bookings, close to twice the statewide rate, an analysis by ProPublica and McClatchy found. Overall, inmate suicides declined slightly in California county jails over that period. The state’s board has no authority to investigate deaths in local lockups. The agency answers to the Legislature, which has not held a single hearing about jail inspections or the dozens of gruesome deaths in facilities across the state in the past eight years.”

Microsoft Japan Says 4-Day Workweek Boosted Workers’ Productivity by 40% (Chris)

The author writes, “Workers at Microsoft Japan enjoyed an enviable perk this summer: working four days a week, enjoying a three-day weekend — and getting their normal, five-day paycheck. … Because of the shorter workweek, the company also put its meetings on a diet. The standard duration for a meeting was slashed from 60 minutes to 30 — an approach that was adopted for nearly half of all meetings.”

How Israel Redefines International Law as a Cover for Its Gaza Crimes (Chris)

From Middle East Eye: “Israel’s approach to international law can be summed up as ‘If you do something for long enough, the world will accept it.’”

It’s Possible to Inherit More DNA From One Parent Than the Other (Mili)

The author writes, “23andMe’s 4-million-person database reveals how many people are living with undetected chromosomal anomalies.”

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