China's 'Social Credit' Scoring System Barred Millions From Transportation in 2018 - WhoWhatWhy China's 'Social Credit' Scoring System Barred Millions From Transportation in 2018 - WhoWhatWhy

US Needs a New Marshall Plan ; QAnon Book Highly Ranked on Amazon ; and More Picks 3/5

China’s ‘Social Credit’ Scoring System Barred Millions From Transportation in 2018

US Needs a New Marshall Plan ; QAnon Book Highly Ranked on Amazon ; and More Picks

US Needs a New Marshall Plan ; QAnon Book Highly Ranked on Amazon ; and More Picks 3/5

Domestic Phone Surveillance Now a Thing of the Past? (Dan)

An aide to Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) notes that the domestic phone-surveillance program started under President Bush and later exposed by Edward Snowden has not been used for months and will likely not be revived.

A New Marshall Plan, Not a Border Wall, Is What US Needs (Reader Steve)

From the Seattle Times: “We must forge a sustainable immigration plan, then merge it with efforts to assist troubled countries. Many experts implicate our country in the economic and social decay from which immigrants at our southern border flee.”

World-Famous Science Journal Runs, Then Pulls, Ad Disguised as Article (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “[An item published in Nature] asserted that MUSE cells, a subset of stem cells, could regenerate heart tissue after acute myocardial infarctions, which are deadly sudden heart attacks. … [But] the published item wasn’t a peer-reviewed article subject to Nature’s rigorous professional vetting procedure. It was an advertisement placed by the Translational Research Center for Medical Innovation.”

Judge Tosses Fukushima Radiation Class Action (Chris)

From Courthouse News: “Hundreds of American sailors who filed two class actions claiming to have suffered physical abnormalities, cancer and death stemming from exposure to radiation while on a humanitarian mission to Fukushima, Japan in 2011 were dealt a blow Monday when their cases were dismissed, paving the way for their claims to be brought in Japan.”

Batshit ‘QAnon’ Book Is Currently One of the Highest Ranked Politics Books on Amazon (Chris)

The author writes, “A book promoting the batshit insane QAnon conspiracy theory is currently ranked in the top 75 most popular books on Amazon, according to a report by NBC. Amazon also promoted the book on their books division home page, where it was listed under the algorithmically generated category ‘Hot new releases.’”

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