Brazil Has Lost 1,330 Square Miles of Amazon Rainforest Under President Bolsonaro - WhoWhatWhy Brazil Has Lost 1,330 Square Miles of Amazon Rainforest Under President Bolsonaro - WhoWhatWhy

Finland Is Winning the War on Fake News ; The Stump That Didn't Die ; and More Picks 7/30

Brazil Has Lost 1,330 Square Miles of Amazon Rainforest Under President Bolsonaro

Finland Is Winning the War on Fake News ; The Stump That Didn't Die ; and More Picks

Finland Is Winning the War on Fake News ; The Stump That Didn't Die ; and More Picks 7/30

The Arctic Is Experiencing Its Worst Wildfire Season on Record (Mili)

The author writes, “Arctic infernos released 50 megatons of carbon dioxide — the equivalent of Sweden’s total annual emissions — into the atmosphere in June alone.”

This AI Can Help Humans Spot AI-Generated Fake News (Mili)

From Futurism: “A team of researchers from Harvard and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab have created a system they say can detect whether text was generated by another AI. They’re hoping to lay the groundwork for future tools that could make it easier to spot fake comments or even news articles online.”

Finland Is Winning the War on Fake News (Chris)

The author writes, “In 2015, President Sauli Niinisto called on every Finn to take responsibility for the fight against false information. A year later, Finland brought in American experts to advise officials on how to recognize fake news, understand why it goes viral and develop strategies to fight it. The education system was also reformed to emphasize critical thinking.”

Gilroy Shooting Happened Despite Strict California Gun Laws (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Lawmakers [are] championing bills to increase gun control that are still being considered in the Capitol.”

The Stump That Didn’t Die (Gerry)

The author writes, “Through underground connections with its neighbors, it somehow stays alive. What does that say about the concept of a tree, or the future of forests?”

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