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Trump Rolls Back Protections of Streams and Waterways ; Are Bioplastics Really Better for the Environment? ; and More Picks 1/24

Big Corporate Players Launch Electric Vehicle Group

Trump Rolls Back Protections of Streams and Waterways ; Are Bioplastics Really Better for the Environment? ; and More Picks

Trump Rolls Back Protections of Streams and Waterways ; Are Bioplastics Really Better for the Environment? ; and More Picks 1/24

People in 43 US Cities Are Drinking Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Their Tap Water, Tests Show (Chris)

From BuzzFeed News: “[Environmental Working Group study co-author Sydney] Evans said the group was surprised to see the chemicals turn up in cities as varied as Miami, New Orleans, and Philadelphia. The only place they tested that didn’t have PFAS contamination was Meridian, Mississippi, which gets its water from a 600-foot-deep well.”

Trump Rolls Back Protections of Streams and Waterways (Chris)

The author writes, “The Trump administration announced [last week] the replacement of Obama-era protections … Critics quickly denounced Trump’s rule change. Betsy Southerland, former director of the EPA’s Office of Science and Technology, said the new rule is ‘scientifically indefensible and socially unjust,’ and will ‘result in the impairment of drinking water, fisheries, and flood control’ for communities. ‘This rule transfers the costs of pollution control and wetland protection from miners, oil and gas producers, and land developers who will no longer be regulated to downstream communities who will have to pay to protect themselves,’ she said in a written statement.”

Free Tuition at California Public Colleges Could Help the State Prosper (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The state can’t afford it? Rubbish. Generations of California students — mine included — attended the University of California, state universities and community colleges tuition-free. It wasn’t until the 1970s and 1980s that tuition and course fees began creeping on campuses.”

Bioplastics Continue to Blossom — Are They Really Better for the Environment? (Mili)

The author writes, “Even if widespread adoption of bioplastics occurs down the line, it won’t be a quick or cheap fix. In the meantime, there is also some pollution caused by bioplastics themselves to consider. Even if bioplastics are often less damaging than the status quo, they aren’t a flawless solution.”

How Visine Eye Drops in the Mouth Can Kill (Mili)

From Forbes: “Lana Sue Clayton was sentenced to 25-years in prison for voluntary manslaughter. The former Veterans Affairs nurse and South Carolina resident had pleaded guilty of putting Visine eye drops in her husband’s drink.”

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