Asia's ‘Coal Addiction’ Must End, UN Chief Warns - WhoWhatWhy Asia's ‘Coal Addiction’ Must End, UN Chief Warns - WhoWhatWhy

How Gaggle Surveils Students ; Ontario First Nation Newspaper Attacked ; and More Picks 11/5

Asia’s ‘Coal Addiction’ Must End, UN Chief Warns

How Gaggle Surveils Students ; Ontario First Nation Newspaper Attacked ; and More Picks

How Gaggle Surveils Students ; Ontario First Nation Newspaper Attacked ; and More Picks 11/5

How Gaggle Surveils Every Document, Email, Chat, and Picture That Students Create (Mili)

From Buzzfeed News: “Gaggle monitors the work and communications of almost 5 million students in the US, and schools are paying big money for its services. Hundreds of company documents unveil a sprawling surveillance industrial complex that targets kids who can’t opt out.”

Thirsty Future Ahead as Climate Change Explodes Plant Growth (Mili)

The author writes, “Rising CO2 levels and a warmer earth means plants will grow bigger and have longer to suck the land dry. That’s bad news for human water supplies.”

Publisher Says Newsroom Intentionally Set on Fire (Chris)

From Canada’s National Observer: “The office of an Ontario First Nation weekly newspaper was set on fire during a ‘targeted attack’ earlier this week, the outlet’s publisher said Thursday. Lynda Powless, who is also the owner of Turtle Island News in Six Nations of the Grand River near Hamilton, said the incident happened around 5 a.m. on Monday, when an unknown assailant drove a truck into the building. ‘Police told me we were targeted,’ she said in an interview. ‘This was an attack on free speech and a free press in First Nation communities.’”

This Wave of Global Protest Is Being Led by the Children of the Financial Crash (Chris)

The author writes, “They may come from different backgrounds and fight for different causes, but the kids being handcuffed, building barricades, and fighting their way through teargas in 2019 all entered adulthood after the end of the end of history. They know that we are living through one of what the American historian Robert Darnton has called ‘moments of suspended disbelief’: those rare, fragile conjunctures in which anything seems conceivable, and – far from being immutable – the old rules are ready to be rewritten.”

Berlin Has Quirky Artifacts From East-West Divide (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Those who look closely will spot … signs that the city was once split in half: from stoplights to manhole covers, the differences that marked East and West Berlin have survived into the new century, some visible even from space.”

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