As Dunes Disappear, Fiber Rolls Protect Cape Cod Homes From Coastal Erosion - WhoWhatWhy As Dunes Disappear, Fiber Rolls Protect Cape Cod Homes From Coastal Erosion - WhoWhatWhy

Election Systems in All 50 States Were Targeted By Russia ; Floating Cities Won't Save Us ; and More Picks 4/11

As Dunes Disappear, Fiber Rolls Protect Cape Cod Homes From Coastal Erosion

Election Systems in All 50 States Were Targeted by Russia ; Floating Cities Won't Save Us ; and More Picks

Election Systems in All 50 States Were Targeted By Russia ; Floating Cities Won't Save Us ; and More Picks 4/11

Climate Chaos Is Coming — and the Pinkertons Are Ready (Russ)

The author writes, “As they see it, global warming stands to make corporate security as high-stakes in the 21st century as it was in the 19th.”

Why India, Chile, and Jordan Lead the Way on Renewable Energy (Rebecca)

The author writes, “Chile and Jordan dived into renewables partly as a way to enhance their energy security after crises that affected their fossil fuel imports. India is striving to give more people access to electric power and has fused environmental goals on top of that.”

Floating Cities Aren’t the Answer to Climate Change (Chris)

From CityLab: “Maybe a vision that blends Buckminster Fuller, Logan’s Run, and the seductive marketing of the Fyre Festival will galvanize public support for climate action. But it’s not hard to spot the problems with the Oceanix approach.”

DHS, FBI Say Election Systems in All 50 States Were Targeted in 2016 (Chris)

The author writes, “A joint intelligence bulletin (JIB) has been issued by the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation to state and local authorities regarding Russian hacking activities during the 2016 presidential election. While the bulletin contains no new technical information, it is the first official report to confirm that the Russian reconnaissance and hacking efforts in advance of the election went well beyond the 21 states confirmed in previous reports.”

A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump’s Support (Reader Steve)

From Psychology Today: “While dozens of psychologists have analyzed Trump, to explain the man’s political invincibility, it is more important to understand the minds of his staunch supporters.”

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