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Perpetual Debt in Kenya ; Bernie Sanders on His Plan for Journalism ; and More Picks 8/30

Apple ‘Sorry’ Workers Listened to Siri Voice Recordings

Perpetual Debt in Kenya ; Bernie Sanders on His Plan for Journalism ; and More Picks

Perpetual Debt in Kenya ; Bernie Sanders on His Plan for Journalism ; and More Picks 8/30

Some Children of Military Members Born Overseas Won’t Automatically Be US Citizens (Reader Steve)

From the Sacramento Bee: “Some children born overseas to U.S. service members, State Department or other U.S. officials will no longer be automatically granted the residency status needed to be considered U.S. citizens, the government agency responsible for registering them confirmed Wednesday. A U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services official, who confirmed the policy change to McClatchy on the condition they would not be identified, said the policy change, which was released Wednesday, ‘explains that we will not consider children who live abroad with their parents to be residing in the United States even if their parents are U.S. government employees or U.S. service members stationed outside of the United States.’”

Artifacts in Idaho May Be Earliest Evidence of Humans in North America, Study Says (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Researchers at the Cooper’s Ferry archaeological site in western Idaho found evidence they say is linked to human activity dating back as far as 16,560 years ago. The study published Thursday in the journal Science suggests that humans migrated to the area not through a corridor in an ice sheet stretching from Alaska to the Pacific Northwest, but by traveling around the ice and along the coast of what is now Washington state.”

Perpetual Debt in the Silicon Savannah (Chris)

From the Boston Review: “Across conversations in Kenya’s pubs and WhatsApp groups, debt is on everyone’s mind. The speed and ease of access to credit through new mobile apps delivers cash to millions of Kenyans in need, but many struggle to repay. Despite their small size, the loans come with a big cost — sometimes as much as 100 percent annualized. As one Nairobian told us, these apps ‘give you money gently, and then they come for your neck.’”

Bernie Sanders on His Plan for Journalism (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “Today, after decades of consolidation and deregulation, just a small handful of companies control almost everything you watch, read, and download. Given that reality, we should not want even more of the free press to be put under the control of a handful of corporations and ‘benevolent’ billionaires.”

Climate Change Could Be Behind an Extraordinary Ancient Plant Bloom in the UK (Mili)

The author writes, “Human-induced climate change is bringing back the flowering of cycads … to parts of the world it hasn’t been seen in many millennia.”

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