Adapting to Climate Change Can Pay Off in Manifold Ways, Experts Say - WhoWhatWhy Adapting to Climate Change Can Pay Off in Manifold Ways, Experts Say - WhoWhatWhy

India Builds Detention Camps for up to 1.9M People ; Brexit Disaster Capitalism ; and More Picks 9/11

Adapting to Climate Change Can Pay Off in Manifold Ways, Experts Say

India Builds Detention Camps for up to 1.9M People ; Brexit Disaster Capitalism; and More Picks

India Builds Detention Camps for up to 1.9M People ; Brexit Disaster Capitalism ; and More Picks 9/11

India Builds Detention Camps for up to 1.9M People (Chris)

The author writes, “The Indian government is building mass detention camps after almost two million people were told they could be effectively stripped of citizenship. Around 1.9m people in the north-eastern state of Assam were excluded when India published the state’s final National Register of Citizens (NRC) list in August. Those excluded from the register will have to appeal to prove they are citizens. The UN and other international rights groups have expressed concern that many could be rendered stateless.”

Brexit Disaster Capitalism: £8B Bet on No Deal Crash-Out By PM’s ‘Leave’ Backers (Chris)

From the Byline Times: “While the Prime Minister defies the law and insists Britain will leave the European Union on 31 October, his backers stand to make billions out of the disaster.”

Report: UN Agency Self-Censoring on Climate Crisis After Warning From Trump Admin (Gerry)

The author writes, “The UN’s migration agency is reportedly censoring itself on the climate crisis after a Trump administration official allegedly told the group that the programs it funds ‘must not be in conflict with current [U.S. government] political sensitivities.’”

‘Climate Minimizers’ Find Endless Reasons to Reject Sanders’s Climate Plan (Russ)

The author writes, “While the majority of corporate media do not outright deny the reality of the human-caused climate crisis, they are filled with another brand of insidious ideologues that I call climate minimizers. These downplay the threat that climate change poses to all of us by ignoring scientific data, avoiding discussion on the actual impact of climate change, and hyper-focusing on trivial details.”

‘Like a New York City Crosswalk’ (Mili)

From Scienmag: “Fleets of microscopic machines toil away in your cells, carrying out critical biological tasks and keeping you alive. By combining theory and experiment, researchers have discovered the surprising way one of these machines, called the spindle, avoids slowdowns: congestion.”

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