We know the last thing you need on Independence Day is someone nagging you to make a contribution.
But consider this: at WhoWhatWhy, you tell us again and again that you love how independent we are. You love that we’re not beholden to corporate interests, that we take no ads, that we don’t favor one party or candidate over another. You love that we seriously investigate the goings-on in the world, then tell you what we found out.
Someone, marveling at our approach, declared, “Wow – so you do pure journalism!”
We do. And you can help us to do more of it and expand our reporting team. Please make your Independence Pledge today by signing up to become a monthly sustainer, at whatever level you can afford.
Our sincerest thanks and best to you for a fine holiday.
Russ Baker and the WhoWhatWhy Team
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GRAPHIC: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-er97CagKzEg/TnEZ6hdiD_I/AAAAAAAAAh4/kT6U6dYgSgc/s1600/Constitution.jpg