» Curricular/Extracurricular. A Poem Curricular/Extracurricular. A Poem – WhoWhatWhy


Improvisation. Deluge. Wassily Kandinsky, 1913
Improvisation. Deluge. By Wassily Kandinsky, 1913. Photo credit: Wassily Kandinsky / WikiArt (PD)

Thinking outside the box? What box?


Cartesian Slam

Mind: I think therefore I am

Flesh: I stink ergo sum


Contra Socrates

the unexamined life

is also worth living


To ground his earth-shaking numbers

Copernicus bid the sun

stand still


Back to the Bodhi tree

dreaming of Buddha dreaming

world to word: Wake!



Sleights of hand on paper

Deep-dyed color-fast gestures

taking time’s pulse


Late life re-framed

as terminal illness: white-knuckled slide

to the cure


Longing. How shyly

it beats in the inner ear:

tacit tinnitus


When they ask

Did that really happen? I will say

In my poem it did.

  • Gerald Jonas is a senior editor at WhoWhatWhy and a writer whose work has appeared in The New Yorker and The New York Times, as well as other journals large and small.

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