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Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Meta Platforms and Facebook, is one of those broligarchs who have reached their midlife crises. He’s tired of trying to act with compassion or empathy, is tired of trying to express human emotions; he just wants to be a manly man of valor, to borrow from Josh Hawley, and MAKE A LOT MORE MONEY.
What better way to prove his bro-ish credentials than to go on Joe Rogan and spread a bunch of misinformation! Zuckerberg wanted some of Rogan’s juiced-up man energy to rub off on him while he lies to the audience and pretends to be an alpha male.
The Meta leader recently went through a makeover to try to make him appear more approachable. He did something to his hair… Is that his hair, I wonder? Zuckerberg is mad at liberals because they keep wanting his platform to be free of lies. Republicans can’t function on platforms that don’t allow lies. They complain all the time about how women and brown and black people are not letting (white) men be men and how snowflakes object to racism, misogyny, and personal attacks in social media.
Zuckerberg told Rogan that he thinks “a lot of the corporate world is pretty culturally neutered,” and that American corporations are being starved of “masculine energy.” He also announced that Meta has relaxed its rules against hate speech.
These owners of the major platforms are slowly sucking more and more profit out of every interaction humans have.
You would think we’d have reached peak Joseph Welch by the end of the first Trump administration. Will there be a moment when the American people finally say to the Republicans, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”
While you’re here enjoying DonkeyHotey’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics:
- Catch & Release: How Donald Trump (Largely) Evaded Justice
- Biden’s Jobs Record Sets a High Bar for Trump
- Other DonkeyHotey cartoons
The cartoon above was created by DonkeyHotey for WhoWhatWhy from these images: Mark Zuckerberg (DonkeyHotey / Flickr – CC BY 2.0 DEED), body (cottonbro studio / Pexels), star (Dyfsunctional / Wikimedia), logo (Meta Platforms / Wikimedia), map (David Benbennick / Wikimedia), glasses (cavebear42 / Wikimedia – CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED), and background (Imogene Huxham / Flickr – CC BY 2.0 DEED).