» The Bernie Bubble, America’s Secrets & Plastic For Dinner: Aug 05, 2015 The Bernie Bubble, America’s Secrets & Plastic For Dinner: Aug 05, 2015 – WhoWhatWhy

Special LiveTweet, Thursday, August 6:
Do you see the inherent humor in the Republican presidential contest? WhoWhatWhy Editor Russ Baker does. Russ has been known to tweet hilarious instant “analysis” during past presidential debates, and he will do so again on Thursday, both for the “unpopular Republicans” debate from 5-6pm ET and during the “leading contenders” debate from 9-11pm ET, where else but Fox. You can catch all the action by following his twitter feed, @RealRussBaker. Over at @WhoWhatWhy, we’ll retweet some of the more R-rated material. LOL. Please join us…and tell friends. 


The Bernie Bubble
By Klaus Marre
Those in-the-know seem to agree that Bernie Sanders has little hope of winning the White House — but if that’s true, how come he’s generating such interest? And why has Hillary Clinton been silent so far about his increasing popularity?


“America Classifies Way Too Much Information – And We Are All Less Safe For It”
Tom Blanton of The National Security Archive penned a compelling indictment of the government’s often-silly and potentially dangerous addiction to secrecy. Silly, because a number of “secrets” that have long-since become public knowledge are still regarded as “officially” classified. Dangerous, because the stamp of secrecy on just about everything keeps Americans in the dark about their government and about many real threats that they could do something to stop … if they knew.

Hillary Clinton’s Mega-Donors Are Also Funding Jeb Bush
Some of America’s biggest political bettors are hedging their bets by giving money to Hillary Bush. Or is it Jeb Clinton? Is there really a difference? For a group of racetrack owners, bankers, media barons, chicken magnates and hedge funders with “net worths that can eclipse the GDPs of small countries,” there’s no point in haggling over any differences that may or may not exist. The key is they win no matter who loses.

Survivor of the Nagasaki Atom Bomb Describes His Experience
Seventy years ago, the United States became the one and only power to ever use nuclear weapons. Japan is still home to many survivors who are committed to telling their storiesScientific American talked to one such survivor. Takamitsu Nakayama was a 16 year-old shipyard worker in Nagasaki when the city was leveled.


Six Warning Signs That The Economy Is In Trouble
A fairly basic way to determine the health of the economy is to look at the transportation sector. And we’re not talking automobile sales. We’re talking shipping, air freight, major fuel sales and anything to do with the movement of goods around the world. Zero Hedge has been tracking that sector and all the signs are pointing to a big slowdown in the movement of goods around the world.


Why Car Companies Should Be Terrified of Google Auto
Mercedes Benz, Audi and BMW just spent $3.1 billion to buy Nokia’s digital mapping technology. This partnership signals the start of a battle between traditional automakers and new players like Google. The tech giant launched a “stealth” robocar company in 2011 and it is gearing up for a race to capture the market with its self-driving technology. It’s all about the mapping … and Google has a huge head start.

You Might Be Eating More Plastic Than You Think
National Geographic explains how tiny, invisible microplastics get recycled from our washing machines through the world’s waterways and back into our bloodstreams through the fish we eat. For example, approximately 2,000 synthetic particles get released from washing a single polyester fleece jacket. Synthetic particles don’t degrade. They absorb toxins. And they bio-accumulate up the food chain until humans finally eat them.

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