» Trump’s Fallacies, America’s Oligarchy & Japan’s Spying Friends: July 31, 2015 Trump’s Fallacies, America’s Oligarchy & Japan’s Spying Friends: July 31, 2015 – WhoWhatWhy


PODCAST: Trump’s Dead Wrong About Immigration
By Jeff Schechtman
PODCAST: Does Donald Trump know what he’s talking about when it comes to immigration? Not according to new findings. A report issued by the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy, reveals a startling decline—by more than half—in the number of immigrants coming from Mexico since the early to mid–2000’s. The principal author of that report, Rogelio Saenz, Dean of the University of Texas at San Antonio College of Public Policy, talks to WhoWhatWhy’s Jeff Schechtman.


Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an “Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery”
In a recent radio appearance, the former President said what many already believe—America is not only for sale, but it has already been bought and paid for. To listen to the interview, click here. For more evidence of legalized bribery, see Lindsey Graham’s Super PAC and Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street ties.

The Pro-Israel Lobby Battles ‘Voice of God’ Morgan Freeman Over Iran
There is a multi-million dollar public relations war being fought on US airwaves. On the frontlines of this battle are Morgan “Voice of God” Freeman and pro-Israel groups likeAIPAC, The Israel Project and AIPAC spin-off Citizens For A Nuclear Free Iran.

New WikiLeaks Cache Reveals a Decade of U.S. Spying on Japan
Before long, it will be easier to just list the nations the US has not been spying on. In a release titled “Target Tokyo,” Wikileaks exposed the breadth and depth of NSA spying on one of America’s closest allies. The spying went from cabinet-level phone lines to the Bank of Japan to the petroleum division of Mitsui & Co. One primary target seemed to be internal deliberations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade deal.


Everything Wrong With the F-35
The journalists at War is Boring have led the way in reporting on the F-35 debacle. In this report, they detail the litany of failures that hobble the most expensive weapon system in human history. And it isn’t just that the fighter cannot compete with the venerable F-16. The software is bad. It is unreliable. And it’s going to cost about $1.4 trillion.

Gun Silencer Sales are Booming
According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the number of silencers surged 38% from last year–to 792,282. That’s up from 571,750 registered users in the previous years. It is such a growth industry that the CEO of SilencerCo had to double his workforce in just one year. The silencer maker cannot keep up with demand or its backlog of orders.


Why We All Need to Learn the Word “Anthropogenic”
“Anthropogenic” refers to an unprecedented epoch of environmental change catalyzed by human beings. The signs of this age of disruption and destruction are everywhere, but nowhere is it more apparent than in a rainforest in Washington State where the ironically-named “Paradise Fire” has charred one of the wettest spots in the continental United States.

Robots Can Kill But They Do Not Understand Us
Alarmed by recent advances in both artificial intelligence and military robotics, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking have warned against the development of “killer robots.” But, practically speaking, there’s a limit to how much robots can do, according to John Gapper. They might be able to beat humans at chess, but they cannot compete at poker. That is, they cannot tell when we are bluffing.

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