» El Chapo’s Escape, Merkel’s Europe & Pluto’s Big Moment: July 13, 2015 El Chapo’s Escape, Merkel’s Europe & Pluto’s Big Moment: July 13, 2015 – WhoWhatWhy


Drug Kingpin’s Escape Highlights Complicated US Relationship with El Chapo
By Klaus Marre
A well-known drug kingpin has escaped from a Mexican prison, and US Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said that the government will work with Mexico to aid in his recapture. As the search begins, it’s worth looking back at WhoWhatWhy’s coverage of America’s complicated relationship with the kingpin.

Bush Makes Money off Injured Vets: Media Finally Notices
By WhoWhatWhy staff
When ABC News ran a story on July 8 about former President George W. Bush pocketing $100,000 for a speech to a group that assists wounded veterans, we at WhoWhatWhy thought, “Hmm, that sounds familiar.” And guess what, it was!


No Mercy for Greece in Angela Merkel’s Europe
After a marathon session, Greece lost the battle against severe austerity. In fact, it looks like the deal is even harsher than the deal rejected by Greek voters. Twitter is buzzing with disdain for the deal and one European official called the Eurozone’s negotiating tactics “mental waterboarding.” The Greek people will finally get access to their banks, but little actual light at the end of their tunnel.

Could Union-Busting Scott Walker be the Next President?
At one point, the Governor from Wisconsin was the GOP’s front-runner. But The Next Bush In Line jumped in and started raising big bucks. And then Donald trumped everyone with his loud, media-savvy campaign. But the union-busting, university-attacking, devout son of a preacher-man is finally in… and he’s got a lot of work to do to recapture that lead-dog position. But he does have a knack for winning.


Airbnb Brings Sharing Economy Under the Microscope
The “sharing economy” refers to an “everything for hire” paradigm that uses the Internet—and intermediaries like Airbnb ($24b) and Uber ($41b)—to exploit latent capacity in the economy. For Uber, it’s underemployment, unemployment and the ubiquity of car ownership. For Airbnb, it’s all about spare bedrooms. But even tech-friendly San Francisco may begin to ratchet back on the freewheelin’ world of sharing for profit. And Hillary’s taken note, too.

Real-Time Cyber-Attack Map Shows Scope of Global Cyber War
Security firm Norse produced a mesmerizing interactive map showing the global cyber war in real time. But you are not seeing World War 3.0. Rather, you are seeing the war on Norse. The map only tracks attacks on the company’s infrastructure. So, it doesn’t really show “global cyber war,” unless you extrapolate the bigger picture. What it really is… is a great advertisement for its services. .


NASA’s Pluto Flyby Could Lead to Big Changes on Earth
The New Horizons spacecraft is in “great shape” to make its much-anticipated flyby tomorrow. It has already sent back images, in spite of a technical glitch that had mission leaders holding their collective breath. It may not change the world, but David Corn of Mother Jones does agree with those who think it is an image-burnishing moment for Uncle Sam. It’s just too bad Vesto Melvin Slipher didn’t live to see it happen.

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