» Being Most Uncivil With Our Liberties: The War on All of Us Being Most Uncivil With Our Liberties: The War on All of Us – WhoWhatWhy


President Bush signs in the Patriot Act in October 2001. Photo credit: Wikimedia Foundation

With the Patriot Act debate raging in Congress, there has perhaps never been a better time to consider what’s at stake. And what is that? Most of us never really knew. But this documentary, from Executive Producer Robert Greenwald and Earl Katz, directed by Nonny de la Peña, whose work has been funded by a MacArthur grant and shown at TriBeCa Film Festival, spelled it all out a decade ago, and is as relevant as ever.


Regardless of how the current debate over the Patriot Act plays out, a variety of dangerous threats to our liberties will almost certainly continue in place. For a proper understanding of the underlying issues, we recommend the 2004 documentary, Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties from Executive Producer Robert Greenwald.


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