» VideoWHO: Another George Bush Rises in Texas VideoWHO: Another George Bush Rises in Texas – WhoWhatWhy


With a third George Bush winning elected office— George P. Bush is now the Texas land commissioner—what are the next electoral conquests the Bush family is planning? Russ Baker explains the secret recipe behind the Bush dynasty’s enduring power during an interview with RT.

The latest Bush in elected officeThe Bush family has sent two presidents to the White House, and Tuesday’s midterm election put the newest Bush into elected office: George P. Bush, now the Texas Land Commissioner. So what’s the long game for the son of Jeb Bush, and even the former Florida Governor himself?

That’s the question WhoWhatWhy Founder and Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker answers during this Nov. 4 interview with RT’s Ben Swann and Erin Ade.

The newly minted land commissioner, who oversees the mineral rights owned by the State of Texas, is the product of a political chess game that’s five generations old, according to Russ. Former president George H.W. Bush is “quite masterful at identifying opportunities. The family has spread itself all over the country, and they’ve got cousins and others who may also be running for office,” Russ said.

Listen in for more little-known details about one of America’s most enduring and influential political dynasties, culled from Russ’ book, “Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years.”

And there has never been a better time to explore those secrets, because on Nov. 11, the official biography of George H.W. Bush will be published. The book by George W. Bush, “41: A Portrait of My Father,” is certain to include little to none of the hidden family history.

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